The Great Undiscovered Secret of Southern Norway

Setesdal & Aseral New Routes


The ice routes in Setesdal are spread over a distance of 100km from north to south and three separate areas from west to east. The range of routes, in terms of their aspect and their altitude, means that to be effective in planning and selection, close monitoring of weather conditions and temperatures is required. It is advisable to start the process a month before the proposed trip and to monitor the temperatures at set points in the region. The best locations for weather forecast selection would be as follows:
Evje – reflecting the temperatures at the southern end of the region
Rysstad – in the heart of Setesdal
Hovden – the northern fringe of the region.


You can check the state of the roads on this website (or here translated into English). Please note that the main access routes to the valley do sometimes close due to heavy snow or ice, so it's well worth checking immediately before you plan your route. If the shorter routes are closed then access from the South via Kristiansand or Arendal may be the only option.

Setesdal Ice Guidebook Available here!